A documentary examining the 2014 shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke and the cover-up that ensued. After the police initially declared the shooting as justified, journalists and activists fought for footage of the ***** to be released, sending the Chicago Police Department and local Chicago government officials into upheaval as the c...
bugz-小号 2022-03-27
17岁的死者Laquan McDonald,在**影响下入市**,被发现后,持刀试图逃离。警察缓慢跟随着他,并呼叫****援。然而几辆警车加入后,警员Van Dyke下车后,将并无攻击性的他击毙了。为什么呢?第一枪击倒在地后,罪犯已经完全无力反抗了。随后再被补了15枪?完全就是要致人死地啊。最后,二级**成立,被判处6.5年监禁?太轻了