Physicist Dr Helen Czerski takes us on an amazing journey into the science of bubbles. Bubbles may seem to be just fun toys, but they are also powerful tools that push back the boundaries of science. The soap bubble with its delicate, fragile skin tells us about how nature works on scales as large as solar ****** and as small as a single wavelength of light. Then there are unde...
喜剧游戏姐妹堂 2021-07-03
在b站上看完的,Helen Czerski**姐的纪录片。 泡泡总是追求最小的表面积,而球体正好表面积最小。泡泡可以缩小水的表面张力,所以跳水**泡泡受力较小,或者企鹅从泡泡跳上岸都比较省力。泡泡是不相融的液体和气体混合的产物,水会努力挤压空气,空气也会快速上升🔝,于是泡泡破裂之后,有些水珠会向上弹跳很远的距离。