Dr. Matthew Campbell has been experimenting on methods to regress the mind to primitive instincts so that we can find methods to improve our brains and not get taken in by cheap horror movie hogwash. He's developed a drug made from vampire bat blood and has begun treating himself with it. But instead of improving his mind, he's become ill and addicted. He dies, but not before t...
巽凌 2017-02-18
现代版的(Well,57年的)《Jekyll and Hyde》Cast:'Hello Again' Coleen Gray
UlyssesJo 2021-02-06
50年代科幻恐怖 坑爹女儿引发的血案(不 反正不是以为的那种吸血鬼。。。
靈魂碎 2021-11-06
20211106周六 22:22 阿女俾错药老豆食一食食上瘾仲夜晚11点化身怪物去吸人血,蝙蝠**出的血清合成药用在人身上就化身咬咬咬,天一光乜都唔记得!
漩涡之外 2023-04-18
lpu9 2020-02-20
Rouge 2017-06-08
40/100 一般般吧。没什么看头,上世纪五十年代的伪吸血鬼片子,故事平庸叙事苍白,在油管上偶然搜到的就看了。结果发现豆瓣上只有4个人看过…真猎奇