This is a 4 part (hour) series hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. Hour 1 The aftermath of the Civil War was bewildering, exhilarating...and terrifying. African Americans had played a crucial role in saving the Union and now, as the country grappled with the terms and implications of Reconstruction, they struggled to breathe life into their hard-won *******. The result was a second...
你来人间一趟 2020-06-22
To northern radical Republicans, waning of their civic vision starts with "they have established the principle, oh would that they had, of guaranteed rights, and they could go no further." To southern white supremacists, as Douglass put it, "If war among the whites brought peace and liberty to the blacks, what will peace among the whites bring?"
呼呼|咩咩 2024-03-13
照叶 2021-10-12