Ernest Hemingway is an almost mythical figure. In addition to being an author, he is literary work himself - a real rock star ante litteram. Much of his life has been an eternal holiday, minutely documented and continues to be a source of inspiration for himself. Wherever there are places that share their quotes: true or presumed. The pictures that portray him are thousands. He...
megaclubdiolis 2021-04-18
意大利出品的“攀亲”之作,风景确实美,他的文字也确实did Piave justice...Hem对自己战斗过和受过伤的地方真的执念好重啊。【然后弗雷德里克·**其实不是blown up eating cheese而是distributing chocolate哈哈~ 巧的是窝正好快读完《过河入林》了,下载这部纪录片之前完全不知道内容就是讲这个的,上帝 is real. 其实Hem的sensibilities从他的作品里就能看出来是个细腻和有脆弱一面的人,他跟他的朋友Coop一样都是营造“形象”的高手。【一张跟Mary, Coop和Rocky一起的照片反复出现
451½°F™ 2022-05-06
零 2021-02-13
It does not matter so much what you are willing to show of yourself, but if you are willing to show it all or not. 他的皮肤是**的 Under that hard shell there was shyness, a fragility of character.
maverick 2021-06-27
From Italy with love. ***真的是**,能让异国他乡的友人如此记挂。在意大利的往事也充满传奇,他的人生真的是大部分人无法experience的,好在我也曾在意大利生活过,借助画面还是可以想象他闯荡亚平宁的经历,向我最爱的作家致敬!It could have been a scene from Shakespeare. Only Shakespeare could have invented a character like him. He was a work of art in himself. So affable, kind, no arrogance, no airs, talk to everyone…
bblol 2022-08-01
M 2023-01-19
山岐清 2021-08-23
长成一棵树 2022-09-15
American writer Nobel prize for literature lost generation
關掉口渴 2020-10-31
underneath the skin of a tough guy...