《新扎杀手》又名The Reluctant Hitman。
Cosmo, an affectless mob bookie who lives in the basement of a retirement home, is promoted to hitman. He learns his new trade from Steve, a seasoned killer. He falls in love with a yoga teacher, Jasmine, and must figure out a way to leave the mob so they can be together.
小悬子 2014-12-28
2014.12.28 有微妙的萌感,但Cosmo最后的谎言摧毁了我对他的好感(Michael J. Fox那对**多nice啊),因为是他的坦率诚实让他的冷血无情能在一定程度上被美化为“不谙世事”,如果没有了前者,后者也就只是冷血无情而已。
LMG 2023-09-10
结局有点非主流… 盲猜下导演想表达的主题…再冷血的**有爱的愿望和能力 以及被爱的幸运?或者… 工作嘛,打打工啦,*辞直接fire掉老板,才24岁的男主,前途一片光明啊