Ren is on the hunt for romance, but in a world of tinder and zero commitment, getting lucky has never been harder. Full of relateable misadventures, MIXED MESSAGES is a frank, witty and cringe-worthy tale of looking for love in all the wrong places. From speed-dating, to meditation and even a kinky workshop, each unsuccessful liaison leads to her asking the ultimate question: i...
BullshitArtist 2020-05-15
拍的太真實了 幾乎可以肯定每個人都本色出演 這些才是你現實中遇到的queer 去掉The L world 紙醉金迷的光鮮濾鏡的現實人生 以前一直覺得作為sexual minority往往很容易會被社會邊緣化了 這些年再看看身邊的人和事 發現其實更多的是queer自己把自己label化了 困在自己建造的community 頗有”閉關鎖國“的感覺 就像是一場queer blind dating 狹小的咖啡廳 來來去去十來個人 尷尬而又絕望
麦子 2019-03-31
toska 2019-03-19
Real & thought-provoking. So Berlin.