《坑》又名The Pit。
The documentary *** Grube (The Pit) (prod: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF) revolves around a mineral water pool in director Hristiana Raykova’s hometown of Varna in Bulgaria. Situated right by the sea, this thermal pool is lovingly called “the pit” by local residents. Sitting in the hot water, they lean back up against the pool’s edge and philosophise about their lives....
十二辰子 2019-02-15
69Berlinale cinémaxX (三位主角都来现场了)看保加利亚老人的生活哲理挺有意思 后半段有略过与政府对抗的部分 没有深入
沈青雨🪐 2019-03-29
2019柏林补标 以天然浴池为切入口剖露保加利亚社会底层群众的****录的尺度拿捏得当,不美化也不作判断。