Lucy Worsley restages the wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Each detail is brought back to life in a spectacular ceremony as Lucy reveals how this ***** saved the monarchy and invented modern marriage. Aided by a team of experts, Lucy recreates the most important elements of the ceremony and the celebrations; scouring history books, archives, newspapers and Queen Vic...
Callas 2021-07-31
好有趣!看一部纪录片像同时看了******* Runway, ***** British Bake Off, 还有哪个大学的圣诞颂歌录像。Lucy老师会的可真多!
Hildy at beach 2021-03-21
小女王的演员太合适了~ 什么婚纱裙摆太短伴娘太多踩脚这种事情,想想看都很有乐趣
白亦桃 2018-12-29
可以证明 2019-06-21
**婚礼的发明 也是一种展示权力的奇观 凯旋式之类的