Dowling is a priest who's views on religion are somewhat liberated and also has a penchant for solving mysteries. He now has to solve the mystery of a young man who's obsessed with finding his natural parents. When he steps out on the ledge of a building, threatening to jump unless he's told who his parents are, Father Dowling is called to try and talk him down but unfortunatel...
Columbo 2012-06-18
1.案件叙事清晰,人物设定有意思,凶手也依然是最出乎意料的那个人,不过最后还是没看明白凶手在哪里击中死者的,总不可能在楼下**吧;2.看到结尾发现Ellery Queen、Murder She Wrote、Father Dowling三部剧的试映集都是采取同一种收场方式。