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白南准的鬼畜(高速混剪+分屏)与80年代电视**版本cosmopolitanism & information fantasies
太喜欢了!教授太可爱了 看到了三宅一生和哈林打招呼 还有阿尔曼和矶崎新的对话 喜欢喜欢喜欢喜欢 白南准的语言对我太有吸引力了🧲
"East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." - Rudyard Kipling. Paik aimed to prove Kipling wrong through a satellite broadcast that linked artists and events in New York, Seoul and Tokyo during the Asian Games.
鎃อักษรไทย䨷礘 2022-07-01
白南准的鬼畜(高速混剪+分屏)与80年代电视**版本cosmopolitanism & information fantasies
PDER 2023-10-12
太喜欢了!教授太可爱了 看到了三宅一生和哈林打招呼 还有阿尔曼和矶崎新的对话 喜欢喜欢喜欢喜欢 白南准的语言对我太有吸引力了🧲
荔蘿 2019-12-01
"East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." - Rudyard Kipling. Paik aimed to prove Kipling wrong through a satellite broadcast that linked artists and events in New York, Seoul and Tokyo during the Asian Games.