《日蚀的日子》又名日蚀之期、The Days of Eclipse、Dni zatmeniya。
The film Days of Eclipse is based on a novel by famous Soviet science fiction writers — brothers Arcady and Boris Strugatsky. The action has been transferred to the Central Asia where a young Russian doctor gives treatment to children and tries his hand at writing. Introducing us a young contemporary at the crossroads (for the first time in Sokurov's work), this film becomes th...
丁一 2014-12-15
craigga 2020-12-23
[1.0/5.0] 第一片蘇古諾夫就看這片,蘇古諾夫是不是有點可憐?(被我劃一星)
**锅贴 2019-10-16
4.5 与其说接近老塔不如说接近俄罗斯精神的影像了。
KUMA 2012-06-19
Sokurov tâtonne encore à cette époque pr éveiller un style personnel. Difficile d’apprécier cet univers onirique ** déroutant où les visions incertaines règnent ** l’étrangeté flotte comme cette imagerie poussiéreuse jaunâtre ** fond sonore volontairemt saturé
熊仔俠 2011-07-10
Ada的B计划 2017-10-09
蘇小北 2011-09-03
杨浦小囡 2017-04-29
PETE. 2014-08-23
Proud of this Gemini for the n-th time. Totally sucked me into his world. Beautiful would be such a superficial word to describe it.