After saving a tramp from *******, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million francs to anyone who is kind to a tramp. Wealthy Tony Newlander becomes disgusted with the fortune seekers around him. After saving a tramp from drowning, he takes his clothes and goes off to discover life among the real people. Only, a humorous twist of f...
AL包子 2021-05-24
披着喜剧外表的讽刺影片。剧情吵吵闹闹和一些现代常用的老桥段。Baxter落水后,和彼得洛在破船舱里留宿时,那个从下往上拍的侧脸和**睡眼,真的好好看。by the way男主的这个烦恼,我愿意替他承担(*笑jpg)
虎珀鱼 2021-03-21
翻拍自1935年德 西卡主演的给我一百万(Darò un milione),还没看过原版不知道基调是怎样的。这版基本就是喜剧加闹剧,彼得洛的角色弱小无助又可怜XDDD他向媒体**胡编以后各路人对于流浪汉的反差态度特别搞笑,男主角这个富豪也是心塞,被身边人对自己当面背后的态度整得都PTSD了,当然最后肯定是个HE,猩猩演员太逗了,被女主吓到烟掉太真实了,关键它还叫Darwin23333333333