《好莱坞十君子》又名The Hollywood Ten - McCarthyism Communist Hunts。
The Hollywood Ten (1950) is an American 16mm short documentary. In the short, each member of the Hollywood Ten made a short speech to denounce McCarthyism and the Hollywood Blacklisting. It was directed by John Berry and can currently be seen on the DVD film releases of Spartacus and Salt of the Earth. Director John Berry was blacklisted upon the documentary's release. He left ...
很好很会吃米 2013-11-05
江一横 2024-09-23
蔷薇泡沫 2021-01-18
好莱坞十君子的珍贵录像。收录于《the naked ****》 的花絮。
Mrs Pitt 2021-02-07
something real 2022-02-15
"Ten men have been convicted, not of wrong-doing but of wrong thinking; that is news in this country and if I have not misread ** history, it is bad news."
. 2023-04-28
麦卡锡主义记录短片。1950-1954年间肇因于美国参议员麦卡锡的美国国内**、***的典型代表,它恶意诽谤、肆意*****和**进步人士甚至有不同意见的人,有"美国**"之称。二战结束后的美国,战争的阴影还没有消失,冷战的恐怖气氛又接踵而至。美一方面在**上与苏联对抗,另一方面在国内害怕****兴起(Red Scared)。麦卡锡主义作为一个专有名词,也成为****的同义词。从20世纪40年代末到50年代初,掀起了以“麦卡锡主义”为代表的**、排外运动,涉及美国政治、教育和文化等领域的各个层面。