In 1984, upon learning that his friend Harry Smith was being evicted from the Breslin Hotel, Allen Ginsberg encouraged Robert Frank to use his new video camera to document the move. Over a one-week period, Smith shows Frank examples of his collection of art, books, indigenous recordings and films. https://letterboxd****/film/harry-smith-at-the-breslin-hotel/
qw0aszx 2018-07-15
[2018-07-11] "It sucks!"
hahahalea 2018-08-09
看Robert Frank第一部影片@MUBI。跟主角不熟,不確定該怎麼看本片。不過在無線網路頓卡狀況下,還是不知不覺看完。或許多少可以說明影片紀錄的有趣? 房外搬遷過程→屋內收藏、擺設,本人、身上的寵物鳥→補字幕後記→穿插回問。 與其認為自己是藝術家,不如舉掌表示自己是哲學家。