In 1984 the National Union of Mineworkers went on strike. The dispute lasted for over a year and was the most bitterly fought since the general strike of 1926, marking a turning point in the struggle between the government and the trade union movement.
崔弗 2020-04-30
和Thin Blue Line是一个re-enactment的路数,但是赋予了搬演不一样的用意,从而能够审视历史在现实上施加的压力。还有一部一样标题的这部电影的纪录片。
Endymia 2022-11-16
twilight 2020-10-05
当代艺术会谈及的作品 re-enactment
是尼基呀 2020-05-07
法斯槟榔 2023-12-13
雯德斯 2020-01-29
living history,re-enactment,以前从没看过的纪录片形式
发条辰 2025-01-19
2001年出品2002年在英国上映的纪录片,是对1984年6月奥格里夫6000煤矿工人与英国3000防爆警察和50骑警大罢工****的reenactment,最想不明白的是为什么要重新演绎一遍?Letterbox有位网友说的倒是挺符合纪录片的定义,“it’s about confronting something and not being afraid of looking at it again, discussing it, and not being ashamed by what happened”💻