Without warning, George Turner quits his *** as a popular 800 word columnist for a top selling Sydney newspaper. Over the internet he buys a house on an impulse in a remote New Zealand seaside town. Turner then has to break the news to his two teenage kids who just lost their mum, and now face an even **** uncertain future.
Shady 2018-01-06
1. The fantasy of a **** mouse. 這老爸也太自私了,自己工作在哪都能做,想搬就搬唄,還要把兒女全都拖下水。都沒實地考察過就敢買房,我租房都不敢只看照片。把偷別人家具,沒經男主同意就在他家開派對說成是小鎮風情。靠騙人才能做生意的房產中介,和做事拖拉的builder才是小鎮常態。