A teenaged boy goes for a ride with his brother and the brother's friends, who proceed to rob a store and murder the clerk. They are caught and, despite the young boy's protestations, he is convicted of murder and sent to prison. A female social worker assigned to the boy's case not only believes him, but begins to fall in love with him, and determines to either **** him prove ...
paradiso 2013-06-20
少年陪**们打劫药店大哥打死警察三人被抓吃到苦头,女社工不满判决劫走少年把他带回**窝点展开快乐的共同生活...真是不知如何评价是好的走向啊。Martin Donovan电影出道作,演不顶用的二哥,颜还是蛮***
豆友_bBwXIl4Q8 2022-08-08