Set in Lanciano in 1984 , " The Diary " is a film that tells the true story of love between two lesbians girls : Vittoria and Elisa . The whole story revolves around a diary , that of Elisa , which is read randomly from her friend . It will be the diary to be blossoming romance between the two and to solidify the union of friendship, brotherhood and humanity that he will involv...
电影《少女日记》是青少年电影中的又一部探索之作 ,虽然是马里埃尔·海勒自编自导的第一部电影,但丝毫不见导演的生涩与稚嫩,在真人与动画的完美结合中,捕捉了一个焦虑而又聪慧的青春少女被懵懂**折磨时的微妙心理变化 。该片通过漫画的形式来表现胖女孩的内心世界,生动有趣,尽管有不少**镜头,但丝毫感觉不到****孩看似不知羞耻地对**的追逐,恰恰反映了她内心无比柔弱和温情的部分 ,贝尔·波利微妙又复杂的表演获得了一致称赞 。