Without a doubt, Christmas is the most spellbinding time of the year, a ***** celebration indeed, with presents and parties everywhere, however, do we ever wonder where did all the traditions that we keep until nowadays come from? For instance, when did we start singing carols and decorate the Christmas tree, moreover, why do we hang socks over the fireplace and how did Santa C...
糯米团子是好物 2018-01-18
感谢Clement Clarke Moore 的传世名作 "The Night Before Christmas" 我们所熟知的白胡子红衣*的Santa Claus,红鼻头驯鹿鲁道夫,naughty list,Christmas stocking和Family Christmas等**传统实际上是在最近一个世纪才出现的。顺道感谢Queen Victoria和Prince Albert推广的圣诞树。
vivivinona 2022-12-22