The documentary follows "the life and work of artist Shepard Fairey, going deep into the world of street art and its role in politics and pop culture. Obey Giant follows Fairey's rise from his roots in punk rock and skateboarding, to his role as one of the most well-known and influential street artists in the world - through his iconic ***** "HOPE" poster and the controversy th...
六阿北 2018-10-29
希望他克*心理阴影 也希望有年轻artist拿着海报去找他一起干一票。
黄** 2021-06-02
我觉得最开始巨人安德鲁的贴纸的爆火就和现在的嘉然一样,通过这种与OO毫不相干的东西来讽刺OO。“……我想当嘉然**的狗”这种话魔性太强了,有点懂为什么那时巨人贴纸那么火了。 从安德鲁贴纸到为***做的海报爆火,到因破坏公物等罪名被捕,到面临***对其图片侵权的诉讼(想到了**中国),到个人画展,到气候球,到为女性权益做海报…… *从巨人,倾听心声。
Chery 2019-04-18
穿插了一些Exit through The Gift Shop的内容。ps: F*ck the Associated Press
lu 2020-04-06
这才是真正的当代艺术 (去年在柏林参加graffiti tour,当时还没太理解为什么说graffiti is all about "rebellion". 这会儿联系到一起了)
哦对了也是 2019-06-20
般丶若 2023-08-06
If there’s a heaven.. MAKE ART NOT WAR
gloryT 2020-12-31