Set over the course of a single evening in the Reynolds family home in suburban Connecticut, Clara's ***** tells the story of Clara Reynolds who, fed up with constant ribbing from her self-absorbed showbiz family, finds solace in and guidance from the supernatural force she believes is haunting her.
第34届圣丹斯电影节:观众奖 未来创新奖(提名)。
DullBoy 2018-09-29
The whole movie is either below mediocre or trying too hard. A waste of time
Jo. 2018-01-21
Sundance 18 Park **** The Ray Theatre. 家族kickstart, 一般啦
INFITHELLs 2018-09-22
SundanceHK2018… 7.5/10 相當***了,演員都這麼可怕嗎?驚悚類型元運用相當出色,除了第三幕有點軟掉了。
roobs 2018-01-21
A dark comedy/family drama - unsettling but truly fresh and engaging, and increasingly so as the story progresses.
Sup 2018-01-21
Sundance Film Festival 2018@The Ray Theater 1.20.2018 中规中矩
外出偷狗 2018-09-24
奇迹发生 2019-01-15
** 2021-01-23