Frank was a middle school biology teacher. He had a strangely shaped scar from an early age, which was left by his mother before *******. This scar led Frank to discover a secret military plan from the Cold War, when a powerful monster was released. The ***.leshikan**** army did not know that such a living creature depended on light and heat, and intended to destroy it with an ...
月之殇 2023-06-23
JUMP一番 2017-06-09
黑白电影。与the sleaze box以前出品的极端**血腥电影不同的是此片几乎无任何血腥镜头
giligilieye 2017-11-24
很一般…… 海报党,黑白电影,并不很稀有啊 烂了 1c1Mhm28
会飞的鱼⚡️ 2017-11-24
啊。唯一的血腥镜头可能就是女的手腕上的流出的血 跳着看