电影集合为您提供North of Vortex,在线点播,迅雷下载。
A *** poet heads west from New York **** in his convertible. He picks up a muscular sailor who's bisexual; then Jackie, a waitress at a diner, joins them. Jackie is attracted to the poet who rebuffs her romantic gestures; rejection fuels her continued interest in him. The sailor and the poet are bonded by ***, but the sailor's frank advances to Jackie make him uninteresting to ...
阿罡书房 2023-03-11
黄狻 2023-05-10
悲带酷 2020-02-23
世纪末游走/North of Vortex 一位男同志的詩人, 從紐約駕車往西自由行, 在途中他讓一位雙性戀的水手**撘便車 ,之後又碰到一位餐廳女侍賈姬 ,賈姬迷戀於男詩人 ,就跟隨他們一路往西走, 男詩人拒絕了賈姬的示愛 ,但賈姬仍不死心 , **除了跟詩人**, 又隊賈姬產生好感.... 三人經過一個個的城市與沙漠 ,山光雲影的變幻莫測 ,正呼應了三位主角的心情 ,本片基本上沒有什麼對白 ,導演完全用影像來傳達故事與意念.... 据说,不用字幕,也可以看懂,大家看看就明白说的对不对。
stephy 2009-05-12