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《Με τη λάμψη στα μάτια》又名With Glittering Eyes。

During the German occupation, the Nazis plan to execute 30 men in retaliation for the death of a German soldier at the hands of the partisans. Among the men are three brothers (Giorgos Fountas, Anestis Vlachos and Giannis Fertis). The villagers ask the German officer (Zoras Tsapelis) to spare the life of one of the brothers. He accepts on the condition that their father (Lavren...


萧宇 2024-04-24

(1966) 闪烁的眼睛 Με τη λάμψη στα μάτια(1966) 德国占领希腊期间,德国人即将处决 30 名男子,以报复一名德国士兵的死亡。村民们出于怜悯,请求他们至少赦免一个村民的三个儿子中的一个,他们都被选为**。军官的条件是,父亲选一个活下去。这种悲惨的困境让父亲难以承受……