Still in the Hamptons, LuAnn and her kids get a surprise visit from Rosie who is no longer their housekeeper but is still concerned about the family as a whole. The Singers and the Van Kempens meet for dinner and the subject of a comment Mario made to LuAnn comes up. Bethenny and Jason head out for a romantic dinner and Jason asks Bethenny to move in with him. It's Labor Day we...
LooGeW 2022-12-27
为什么Kelly还在。。。Ramona的新发型还不错。Jill does like underdog!That is fxxking true🤣wow Lisa Rinna!!Ramona走秀真的让我笑出腹肌哈哈哈哈AI附体眼球都要瞪出来了!Jill就是顺我者昌逆我者亡的PUA高手。Ramona的神经质喜怒无常源于她经历的abusive childhood。十几年前就14k的rent,贫穷限制了我的想象力,纽约的apartment之贵真不是盖的!Kelly需要去***院感觉她有双重人格**分分钟切换成**模式绝*有被**妄想症…Sonja吃掉Kelly的crab cake真的太暖了超加分!加勒比吵架的时候Sonja也是唯一清醒的爱了爱了。
并非浆糊骗子 2021-10-03
Jill有点莫名其妙吧 我要是berh我也有点受不了😂还有就是感觉Kelly真的没啥文化啊 每次吵架都不咋行hhhh要自己圆得过去再吵架啊喂hhhh
lizzymom 2024-06-29
jill和luann这类不事生产的贵妇,果然最在乎面子、表面和平,方便利益交换。hurt点feeling的事情能讲一季,find a hobby/ countless。搞事业的阵营看着更honest更aggressive更fair,情商没那么高,也没那么无聊,有啥beef更容易move on。kelly拍*******那段雌竞拉满了,还说会支持女儿上。她女儿那么小还,这么说真的不合适吧。