A married couple who have a song-and-dance act in vaudeville are in trouble. Their struggling act is going nowhere, they're almost broke and they have to do something to get them back on top or they'll really be in trouble. They decide to put their young son in the act in hopes of attracting some new attention. The boy turns out to be a major talent, audiences love him and the ...
Caneloni 2024-11-27
对vaudeville感兴趣且忽略这是Buster Keaton伪传记片的话就还能看,里面的歌舞段落都好听好看,歌曲基本上是vaudeville金曲联播。剧情属于主要矛盾解决不了(男女主缺乏才华必须依靠儿子/男二才能有工作)就甩锅到次要矛盾上(男二突然变坏)硬造大团圆结局,挺浪费这个卡司的。
lessspicykiss 2022-05-09