A spotted egg is screened, so we can see a blurred shape inside. The shape begins to move. It bounces against the egg shell. Some of the egg shell spots are transformed to eyes and a mouth. We see the egg's face react on the movement inside. The egg tries to defend itself from being broken by the growing and **** and **** aggressive shape. A mortal combat begins. Script, direct...
作为华语歌坛的**,周华健以积极向上的曲风赢得大众的喜爱,其音乐的原创性、精致度与诚恳度都受到外界的肯定 。他通过歌声传达感动与执着 ,演唱了《爱相随》、《朋友》等众多广为流传的歌曲。周华健在演艺生涯中形成了完全个人化的曲风和演唱方式 。他的音乐给听众一种清纯如水的感觉,尽管没有太多的技巧修饰,却能够让人感受到他的真心真情 。
周华健因其阳光、健康、积极向上的形象而获得“阳光游子”的称号 。他具有特有的亲切感以及发自内心的真诚。