《Elvis》又名Elvis: '68 Comeback Special。
This was without a doubt Elvis's best moment. Bar none. After years of bad movies and bad songs to boot, Elvis takes control in this TV Special. It immediately puts Elvis back on top where he belonged and his competion below his feet where they belonged. Elvis was way too talented as a singer and an actor to do those bad roles and songs. Those films and songs were beneath his d...
喷子 2011-05-07
bagel 2022-02-04
04年Special Edition三碟版-87分鐘/專注電影七年後的回歸,穿皮衣皮褲唱Hound Dog,我要是底下的粉絲早暈過去了。果然還是舞台上的貓最迷人。其實還有06年單碟版,94分鐘內容更多,有時間再去找。
[Deleted] 2018-08-17
50周年纪念,重现1968年Elvis Presley TVshow,今晚化身迷妹欣赏猫王魅力,最喜欢trouble guitar man和love me tender.
逆戟 2019-08-11
雅鱼 2012-06-06
While I can dream, please let ** dream come true.