《街头之星》又名The King of the Neighborhood。
Since I don't have anough ***** to talk about tin tan. At least I would like to recomend all his 1940's and early 50's movies. Most of the time you'll find him corny at the beginning, but once you understand him you'll end up crying of laughter. His "..tonces que?" in this movie, became a trend in the 1950's Mexican slang for a while (according to ** dad off course). I don't th...
侯建冬 2010-12-05
醉鬼盼安生 2024-07-27
2024 nyc flc 虽然故事情节挺老套的 但tin tan这个人物个人感觉是jim carrey和chaplin的结合 他的肢体动作和脸部表情演绎是这部喜剧的灵魂 还有那句wassssup和细致到***伊利诺伊斯州某个**节的离谱故事也让人捧腹大笑 总体节奏很好 电影有个设计很好玩 就是男主对着电影观众替自己小弟道歉 直接打破第四层墙那里 喜剧效果拉满!!虽然女性在这部电影里还是非常功能性花瓶 但总体来说还是一部非常经典***喜剧作品!!!
玄〔已注销〕 2024-03-14