《玻利瓦尔:热带交响曲》又名Bolívar, a Tropical Symphony。
In this film, Venezuelan director Diego Risquéz has focused on the life of South America's famed libertador, Simón Bolívar. He explores the episodes in Bolívar's life and tragic death by using images alone (no dialogue), a technique that makes his subject matter quite abstruse. Only viewers already familiar with the legend of the man and the early history of Venezuela will reco...
L'llariit 2020-07-05
1 2011-04-25
Blanc 2019-10-05
玻利瓦尔,托皮卡尔交响曲,全程无对白,标志性地域特色,南美本土文化风格,充满象征的深意。 【西蒙玻利瓦尔,南美洲北部地区民族**战争中最为重要的***,以他的名字命名了很多美洲城市,也是奥里诺科(Orinoco)河一个变狭窄的地方。】