A multiple homicide at a luxury villa in Malibu, sets two detectives down a harrowing path of truth about a young girl who was brutally bullied her entire life, while discovering another woman has taken up revenge.
豆友2988596 2021-05-12
和剧情无关:Google translate 用 neural network 做翻译之后,不懂吃了什么,竟然吐出了一个谜之网址,暴露了一个拥有7万多个域名的 domain squatter -- and possible crime group,因为他不止蹲域名,这些网站里还有些经常更新的神秘数字 // 电影可能是整件事的一个 cover,刚看了开头一点,没有想象中烂,竟然比某一些影视作品还能强点...(欲言又止