《谋杀弗莱德·汉普顿》又名Die Ermordung Fred Hamptons。
Fred Hampton was the leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther *****. This film depicts his brutal murder by the Chicago police and its subsequent investigation, but also documents his activities in organizing the Chapter, his public speeches, and the programs he founded for children during the last eighteen months of his life.
James Cool 2020-06-12
Lycidas 2020-02-15
Forum 50 大段演讲影像强化了Fred Hampton极具个人魅力的领袖形象,说话很有煽**,自带rap节奏感超强。戛然截断的生命令人唏嘘,仿佛见证了一代嘻哈**的陨落(x
咯咯精 2020-02-15
雄辩!**!说唱起来!wanna be!要是屏摄会被**。