A report by Mauricio Kagel Book, Musical Arrangements and directed by: Mauricio Kagel Sound: H. Garbowski, E. Thomas, O. Ziegler Camera: Rudolf Körösi Costumes: Gisela Röcken Script: Marty Vlasak Assistant director: Wilhelm Bruck Producer: Victor Staub Production: 1969 at WDR Studio, Köln and locations near Köln/Bonn Ifage-Filmproduktion, Wiesbaden, and WDR, Köln Cast in alphab...
宁馨儿 2013-07-17
这么好的纪录片竟然没人看过。。。严重推荐下 。。。*******有全片。Kagel好像一点都不担心自己被当成疯子看待!作为一部纪录片,竟然没有几句正常的语言或对白。让纪录片这个行当情何以堪!
Bunny 2023-12-17