《Deep Love》又名Búvárszenvedély(匈牙利)。
Janusz, a self-confident 60-year old, an incredibly active person and an accomplished diver, suffers a stroke which leaves him paralyzed. Rehabilitation and assistance of his partner Asia **** him regain mobility and improve his functions. He is still struggling with speech and the only person who understands what he says is Asia who interprets him for the world. What keeps Jan...
667DJP 2020-04-20
導演能力沒話說,攝影剪輯都很不錯,前三十分鐘完全可以入戲感主人公所感;然而後面當他開始追求“deep love”,人物就開始裂縫,即便導演依舊克制,沒有渲染煽情love多純粹。自私的愛不是deep love,Asia的愛是真,Janusz愛的只有自己,這裏,不得不說這完全是男性視角拍出的所謂愛。和深海魚共遊才是不枉此生,那請你自己變成魚吧。