电影集合为您提供Palabras Mágicas,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《Palabras Mágicas》又名Magic Words (Breaking A Spell)。
A documentary about the Nicaraguan revolution, this film traces the steps of Sandinistas, the leading men of the revolution, from the success of the revolution to 1990s. Poetic visuals and historical footage make this story come alive on the big screen.
L'llariit 2020-06-15
刺杀民族英雄Sandino者将其骨灰洒进首都“垃圾厂”Managua湖下达一道诅咒,一同湖水已被玷污囊括其理想/**Somoza时风云之志,古巴援建制糖厂和委内瑞拉资助炼油厂充当其一部分向心力,尖锐的被直指向者Daniel Ortega不耻作为残忍道出**早期已有土崩瓦解的溶解内力,渐变fsln口号陡升红黑线条之于蓝白国旗用色的对比度直至刺眼难忍,无论是79年庆祝胜利群众携带的che经典衍生画亦或是新世纪上街****者身着画上che的t桖都无比应景昨日,“En sueños uno ** imagina que el che está vivo.”