Lena owns a forgotten bar next to a highway where the trucks zip by but rarely stop. She is eight months pregnant and has been abandoned by her former lover, Colonel Mattos, of the São Paulo police. One day, she meets Vilela, a former policeman wanted for a crime he committed in São Paulo. Colonel Mattos was Vilela's superior, and his presence is continually felt by the pair. T...
nearod 2012-01-04
L'llariit 2021-03-30
有cinema novo余息,淘金热幽灵未曾离去,新自由主义“实验热土”&垂死挣扎,戏剧和电影界限的激进摸索,后作cabra cega这样看是部反面教材
只抓住6个 2016-09-15