In 1940 Henri Cartier Bresson was taken prisoner by the Germans, escapes at his third attempt in February 1943. In 1945 he Works as part of a team, photographs the Liberation of Paris and directs “Le Retour” (The Return), a documentary on the repatriation of prisoners of war and detainees. Le Retour is the story of the prisoners liberated from the Nazi concentration camps. This...
Thébaïde 2025-01-04
Fondation Leclerc. 布列松摄影展上放映的,纪实(情绪和宣传)价值比艺术价值更重要。但一些瞬间很灵动,结尾重逢很动人。
米吐尔 2023-10-28
Eden's Curve 2016-12-31
暂时被** 2020-09-07
60年年代**纪录片。汇编式纪录片。** 卡蒂埃 布列松。运用美***胶片素材展现解放**战俘营以及囚犯返回家乡的情景。无资源