The final film by filmmaker Marlon Riggs jumps into the middle of explosive debates over Black identity. BLACK IS... BLACK AIN'T is a fi lm every African American should see, ponder and *******. White Americans have always stereotyped African Americans. But the rigid definitions of "Blackness" that African Americans impose on each other, Riggs claims, have also been devastating...
James Cool 2018-02-23
第一次听bell hooks的声***我想象的好不一样,这部片子作为导演的遗作,既尖锐也动人,里面关于食物、音乐、历史、疾病、宗教与形体的展现无不透露出作者的人文关怀,而所有的这一切更是融入到种族身份的探讨中,深刻而又不失活力。
Títí 2023-01-28
我们必须重新思考一切 bell hooks竟然是温柔挂的** 呜呜呜
Chance 2017-03-30
hermeneutical film. 很好的一部从黑人自身角度去探索黑人在美国的新价值观的documentary,这样的一个群体,就像是一种alienation,自身该如何定位自己的identity?黑人?有着American spirit的黑皮肤人?在美国黑人community中成长的黑人?what is black people? is black really beautiful?