《死亡之夜》又名night of death。
Young Martine begins working as a nurse at Deadlock House, a secluded grande retirement home, but from the beginning not everything is as it seems, strange residents each with their own quirks and a rather macabre dietary supplement to their vegetarian diet are ruled by the strict Miss Helene, and her suspicions are soon raised when her co-worker who has taken her leave for two...
空空空城 2024-04-04
UlyssesJo 2021-07-04
一群老头子老太婆表面素食者背地里靠食人维持长寿 女主是从最初就被算计的待宰羔羊 还有条暗线是金针** 直接导致结局过分不友好 诡异的配乐倒是很贴这片 大概是最近看的最重口的 开膛破肚吃肉挖心的镜头有点让人不适啊
Lilith 2022-05-08
发际线靠后 2022-03-06
Just4fun 2012-02-04
Night Of Death (1980) Night of Death is a surprisingly fun French horror film from the early eighties that delves deep into what this reviewer believes is a deep well of relatively untapped material: creepy old people. Martine, played by Isabelle Goguey, is a pretty young n
[已注销] 2016-11-16
Hélio 2019-04-18
(Hallucinations Collectives 2019)