《如何杀死一名预审法官》又名How to Kill a Judge、Why Does One Kill a Magistrate?。
The movie is to say the least boring and long. The story idea is very interesting, Franco Nero plays a director whose last film foreseen the murder of a supreme judge. It is the old question of propaganda cinema, is it really effecting and makes a difference. But as the story evolves we meet so many character's and politician, that it is getting confusing at times and misses th...
paradiso 2019-10-31
出色的剧本 在看似政治阴谋中融入了femme fatale的类型 出人意料 最后男主的道德选择颇能发人深思 导演亲自客串律师 Françoise Fabian非常迷人 Riz Ortolani的配乐优美
松野空松 2021-10-03
8.4 力度惊人,女主是连观众都无法觉察的蛇蝎**,直到结尾才揭示这部电影的黑色电影气质