In July 2006, the United States Army Special Force Command (Airborne) set up to produce an informational DVD for visitors of the command; associates, advocates, and guests from both the Department of Defense andDepartment of State Remembering the famed Director Frank Capras ground breaking World War II film series, entitled Why We Fight, this new program is an original and in...
bugz 2012-07-13
**?! 美国****"绿贝雷帽"代表官方出来做宣传了,呵呵。近几年的**调查,美国人半数以上都认为9/****与政府有关联,并认为政府刻意隐瞒真相。08年才拍这片来解释美国的全球反恐战略,还有意义嘛?能自圆其说嘛?当然本片大部分在介绍“绿贝雷帽"****,招兵广告改的吧?无视标题...