《燃烧的城市》又名The Burned City。
讲述一个加泰罗尼亚家族自1899-1909的十年历史。蒙特利尔世界电影节评委会特别奖。影片深受意大利导演维斯康蒂晚期风格的影响。 Two former Spanish colonists from Cuba coming back in Spain in their very different families rightly so. In the lives of Frederic and his childhood friend Josep various emotional events play themselves out against the backdrop of a deep crisis in the Spanish regime. The Burned **** is a Spanish film directed by An...
推三 2019-04-29
大地在颤动的思想 家族肖像的审美 剧情松散 颜值...不够妖孽