When Vilu, the village wastrel and alcoholic womanizer, gets Kertu, a deeply withdrawn young woman regarded as mentally challenged, pregnant, public opinion brands him a rapist. Their forbidden love foments a power struggle between a control-mad father and a mother and son on the wrong side of the tracks and reveals a truth that has been hiding in plain sight for all of Kertu’s...
EggyEmpanada 2014-03-16
Nicotineblue 2016-10-28
Cine Doré第一部。色调喜欢,音乐喜欢,寂静的感觉喜欢。Mari Pokinen - Kord Saan
普鲁斯特起床了 2015-02-14
就见识下爱沙尼亚风景和民歌好了...TT 我又不要听爱沙尼亚语。。