《废品厂》又名Scrap Yard。
For many men, going to the scrapyard is the equivalent of getting together for coffee and cake: screwdriver in hand, they get chatting while disassembling crankshafts and shock absorbers, coolers and oil sumps. Even for the sort of men who are otherwise tight-lipped, regardless of the weather and not least when the screws just won’t come loose. When they manage to salvage the e...
一秋之石 2014-10-11
导演在巴黎南部的汽车**厂 如采访式的记录下一群活在汽车中的人 没有剧本 也没有导游 只有那些不能重复的生活 他们在汽车丛林里 寻找这维持生命的食物 拆解着那些零件 也拆解着他们的人生
tated 2020-05-11