Transposition of the myth of Faust to modern Brazil. The heir to a bankrupt cigarette factory, amidst a personal crisis, leaves everything behind and heads for a supposed paradise he has seen in a tourist agency, where he believes he could find self-knowledge. In his search, he is inspired by a Mephisto-like character.
L'llariit 2022-04-08
**(何止是**电影运动呢?),打擦边球,诚然是审视post-dictatorship**(糟糕的可在后面等着)的长篇大论,melodrama里的存在主义意识,最高产时期掏心掏肺的carlos reichenbach难掩孤独,于我而言宣判cinema novo已死十余载他的电影魔力也就消散了