推销洋葱的故事This animated short tells a humourous Hebrew folk tale about a man's venture to introduce onions to a far away kingdom and a disreputable man's attempt to exploit that.Canada Vignettes: Onions and Garlic by Eva Szasz - NFB https://***.nfb.ca/film/canada_vignettes_onions_garlic/
懒懒的懒懒酱 2021-07-09
推销洋葱的故事This animated short tells a humourous Hebrew folk tale about a man's venture to introduce onions to a far away kingdom and a disreputable man's attempt to exploit that.Canada Vignettes: Onions and Garlic by Eva Szasz - NFB https://***.nfb.ca/film/canada_vignettes_onions_garlic/
moer 2011-02-16