《来自冻原的七支歌》又名Seven Songs From The Tundra、通地阿的七首歌。
Filmmaker Anastasia Lupsui, a Nenet who hails from the Russian tundra, has combined Nenet legends with her personal experiences to portray the life of her people under the communist regime. Unfolding in seven separate stories or songs, this exquisite film offers an impressionist view of an ancient culture caught between their traditions and legends and the threat of the modern ...
迦宁 2011-03-14
équinoxe 2019-12-03
Siako长得好美 涅涅茨人有点亚洲人长相。 Siako说“我的新裙子比学校制*好看多了” 士兵对敬**酒的渔民说:“他不是神 是领袖” 苏联人进到Siako家 :“为什么你们家里不挂像?” **。
合纥 2011-04-19