《美好生活 第一季》又名Good Neighbors。
*** and Barbara Good's dream is to live completely self-sufficiently. This means, among other things, raising their own vegetables and animals for food. Trouble is, they live in the suburbs. Their very conservative neighbors, the Leadbetters, look on, horrified, at this bold experiment.Written by George S. Davis
Almasy 2023-05-07
good god if this doesn’t turn you off marriage, I don’t know what will.
sleepwalker 2013-11-28
很轻松的喜剧小品。两家人都好好玩。我就是想看首相Paul Eddington的小牙
Marjorier◆丁 2018-03-16
刚看完*** 因为很早之前就看过是 大臣/首相 所以看到Paul就有点跳戏 然后觉得Eddington的身材和Colin Firth好像 都属于将身材比例很好 西装穿的很*** 一查果然身高一个186一个187 嗯一脸满足
你的花生掉了 2021-03-14
看完了!特别喜欢最后一集Backs to the wall 四个人一块倒的时候像极了多米诺骨牌 笑死
寒莓根 2015-08-10
其实挺棒的 不过那个环境**逸了 简直不习惯……