A collection of various things that appealed to director Henwar Rodakiewciz at the time for its visual expression of his inner thoughts and feelings. Its subject matter ranges from cigarette smoke to machinery, leaves, clouds, and water. The result: a monumental study of natural and abstract motions devoid of people.
Mia 2020-03-08
"his manner of liking them." 感受到了导演的迷恋
movingdust 2009-11-24
和其他的蒙太奇电影相比,罗达科维奇的镜头不是简单的长,而是长到能检验大部分观众的忍耐程度。 电影不只是达到**的工具,也是能宁静的工具。 能看阿巴斯的《五》的,可以考虑看这个。
徐达多 2009-10-30